Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2: The Five S's of Wine

Have you ever wondered why some people perform many actions before they even sip their wine?
Well in the industry we call this the Five s's of wine tasting; See,Swirl,Sniff, Sip, Savor.
Below i outlined key components that everyone should think about during a wine tasting, or simply enjoying a glass of wine. 

See:Hold your glass by the stem, lift it to the light or hold it against a light background and take a good look at the wine.  Wine should be clear and brilliant, rather than cloudy or hazy.  Color intensity usually indicates good quality.By looking at the wine; White wines grow deeper in color when hey age and red wine looses color when they age.

who doesn't like a good visual? on the WineFolly website i like to refer to the foloowin picture when talking about lookng at the wine.

"waking up the wine". By swirling the wine glass you'll introduce air, releasing its aromas and flavors.  Also, when the wine runs down the sides of the glass quickly, it is light-bodied.  If it takes longer to run down and forms streaks on the side of the glass, that's called "legs", meaning it's full-bodied.

Take a good long sniff of the wine to appreciate its aroma and bouquet.  Aroma originates from the fruit itself.  Bouquet includes smells created in the wine making process, such as aging in oak barrels. Some aromas may include; fruity,Vegetative, nutty, caramelized, woody, earthy, chemical, pungent, microbiological, floral and maybe spicy.

Here is where you finally get to taste the wine.  For the first sip, roll the wine around in your mouth, since different parts of your tongue will experience a different sensation.  For example, the tip of your tongue can tell you how sweet a wine is, while the sides of your tongue will feel tartness. Below is a illustration of your tongue map. Keeping in mind their is another taste call umami. 


Now really think about everything you saw, smelled and tasted. you may need to repeat tall the steps agin to really catch every thing. Remember everyone may smell and taste different things since every ones pallet is different. 

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